Stress affects every individual’s life and not in a good way. Dr. Patrick Porter, BrainTap founder has said,
“The effects of stress on our health, productivity, and quality of life are more devastating than people want to admit. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, 80 to 90 percent of all illnesses are caused by direct or indirect stress.”
Through careful research and extensive testing, Dr. Porter has found a way to get all the benefits of meditation without having the years of disciplined effort to obtain the state of meditation to heal, achieve your goals, Better resilience to stress, improve sleep, and lower stress. The way that this is attained is through four ways.
The first is through binaural beats, how this works is through providing two different tones with their frequency separated only by a few hertz. By doing this, the brain hears a third tone, a phantom tone, which is the difference that the brain hears between the two separate frequencies. Through this, your brain naturally goes into relaxation. Through the algorithms that BrainTap has produced, it has been shown that it produces states of calm and concentration which results in being able to have the full effects of the guided visualization, and have the outcome of performance that would otherwise take years of practice.
The second way is through guided visualizations, which is reached by someone speaking which helps the listener depict an image in their brain for the desired outcome. Visualization has been studied for a long time and how it affects mental states, improved health, and performance. Visualization is powerful, to begin with, but with the added features that BrainTap adds, it increases and optimizes the guided meditations.
The third is the 10-cycle holographic music, which provides a 360 sound environment that allows the brain to find the visualizations more real. Holographic music provides a more receptive state of learning for the brain.
The last is isochronic tones which vary in intensity followed by silence according to the desired effect. This makes it easy for the brain to follow along with things.
There is an added element when the headset is used, which includes lights. The pulsing lights produce added relaxation which is known to affect serotonin and endorphins with an average increase of 21%.
If you aren’t convinced of the research and meditation and specifically BrainTap, here are more links to check out.