So you come in, we give you glasses, we ring a tuning fork, and then we hand you some vials.
What are these vials?
There is actually a good reason why we hand you these vials believe it or not. Let me explain.
First, let’s take a look at water; water is the universal storage device, water holds frequencies. If you don’t believe me check this video out.

Frequencies create water clusters and this is how water stores information. This is powerful because our body is largely made up of water. If you don’t think that what you say, the environment you are in, the music you listen to, or the food you eat affects your body, think again. We are deeply affected by frequencies.
Did you know that the nervous system turns everything in our world into vibrations?
This is the very means of how our body tastes, smells, sees, and hears, it is all through frequencies that the brain interprets. So the water we have in our body remembers and it holds onto frequencies. Many times, the body holds onto trauma, injury, and stress in the tissues through the water clusters and creates a blockage.
This is where the vials come in and play an important role. The vials that you hold in your hand contain clusters of water that are similar to the clusters of water that are held in the tissues causing the blockage. The vials that you hold are found out by muscle testing which is based on frequencies. The frequencies held in the vials activate the water clusters that hold the trauma, injury, and stress in the specific tissues. By holding the vials in your hand when we tap down the back, it harmonies your body to the vials and eliminates the blockage.
And that is the power of the vials.