Computer Programmers
I used to hear and repeat the idea that: “You can’t control what happens to you, but you always have a choice in how you respond.” I now believe that only partially. I’ve learned that I/we all have programs running that cause us to act automatically in certain ways. If something happens automatically, there’s no conscious thinking involved; therefore, how can one choose a reaction before an automatic one happens? Sometimes there is no choice. So the key to conscious living (one that is intentional and full of choice) is found in the programming.
Just like a computer, our programming can change as well.
Sometimes the computer just updates, making minor changes to keep things functioning smoothly.
Sometimes new programs are created to fit a need or desire of a community.
Sometimes the computer crashes and renders much of it useless.

How do we change our programming–our automatic responses that no longer serve us, those we love, or the world at large?
Let’s begin by changing our language. Let’s begin to take ownership of the life we’re living. We often do things we don’t want to do because of obligation, duty, sacrifice, or love. And those can be honorable choices, so I didn’t include “I want to” in the list below as I believe choosing is more powerful than wanting.
Instead of: Change to:
“I have to…” “I choose to…” or “I choose not to…”
“I should…” “I choose to…” or “I choose not to…”
“I don’t have enough (money, time, etc)” “I choose other priorities”
“I can’t” “I choose not to” or “I can’t…yet!”
Next, let’s begin to be aware of what programs we’re running. Many programs are designed for survival, to keep us safe. In fact, we are hardwired for survival. The limbic brain is the part of the brain that holds the “fight, flight, or freeze” response. Thanks to the hippocampus and amygdala, our memories are stored in such a way that the most traumatic ones are kept alive and waiting for us to pull from to keep us wary of other similar experiences. The normal, daily, happy life experiences get stored in long term memory. The traumatic ones stay in short term memory and become the programs that we run automatically, whether helpful or not. The problem is that most of us aren’t in life/death situations every day in which we need the survival programs running; but the stress (or what we perceive as stress) in our lives keeps them active as if we were.
So it’s time to begin to analyze our programs. Next time you notice an automatic response (behavioral or emotional) to a trigger/stimulus, ask yourself this question: “Would I ever consciously choose to feel like this or behave like this?” If the answer is “yes,” keep it. It might just be saving your life. If your answer is “hell no!” then it’s time for an upgraded program.
Just a tip here: when you find a program you can say “hell no” to, first be grateful for it. It’s kept you alive and well. In LifeLine we say, “Thank you, subconscious, for the gift of this protection.”

The next essential step in reprogramming is to decide what the new program is you want to run. This one is your choice. What’s the next best version of yourself? How would that next best version of you feel and behave? Who would you choose to be in the face of that trigger/difficulty? What would you choose? Then we can say, after thanking ourselves for the gifts of protection, “I now have the tools, strategy, and support to think, feel, and act with love. I am__________, feeling ____________.” That will become the new program. Granted, it still needs lots of repetition to replace the old pattern, but that’s where we start.
Every LifeLine session begins that way. We acknowledge the old pattern and bring in a new one. Then we find the areas of the subconscious that are not in agreement with the new pattern and get them on board. These include finding areas of imbalance, gifts of protection, elements of change, expression channels, and holding patterns. It’s an amazing process.
Sometimes we just need an upgrade. Sometimes we need a brand new program that we’ve never considered. Sometimes we need to completely reboot. No matter what, changing our language and our programs will help us become the next best version of ourselves. And isn’t that what life is all about? Growth and improvement? I also acknowledge grace in my life. There are times that grace and mercy have intervened and changed me. I also believe we’ve been given stewardship of our own bodies and life creations. We are creators and co-creators once we become aware enough to choose. May we all awake and arise to conscious living a little more each day by improving our programs is my challenge this month.
Love and light to you all,
Infinite love and gratitude,